Service & Board Meetings

Service Opportunities

Call the Central Office office for information on these service opportunities: 509-624-1442

Board Meetings

The Board of Trustees meets regularly to conduct the affairs of the Corporation (Non-Profit). Any AA Member, Group, or District may bring questions, ideas, suggestions or matters of concern for discussion to the board meeting.

Everyone Is Welcome!

When: 7 pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month
Where:  password: 121212

Central Office Board:

President: Tom W.
Vice President: Joe C.
Treasurer: Eric D.
Secretary: Brenda D.
Trustee District 2: Doug M.
Trustee District 3: Tom S.
Trustee District 13: Jamie K.
Trustee District 17:
Beth F.

Committee Chairpersons:

Archives Committee Chairperson: Gabrielle V.
Newsletter Chairperson: Joe C.
Office Volunteer Coordinator: Jason W.
Social Activities Committee Chair: Norm L.
12-Step Call List Coordinator: Vacant
Website Committee Chairperson:
Dan M.
  1. To volunteer in the bookstore, please call the office at 509-624-1442 or click here. Six (6) months sobriety required
  2. To be on the 12th Step Call List, please call the office at 509-624-1442 or click here.

District Meetings

Note: District Meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of each month

No Events

11feb(feb 11)5:30 pmDistrict 2 Meeting-IN PERSON AND ONLINEsmall room

11feb(feb 11)6:00 pmDistrict 17 Meeting-IN PERSON AND ONLINE

11feb(feb 11)6:30 pm(feb 11)6:30 pmDISTRICT 3 MEETING-IN PERSON AND ONLINE(Big Room)

11feb(feb 11)6:30 pmDistrict 13 Meeting-MEETING ONLINE